- Немецкая ассоциация парфюмерии, косметики и средств личной гигиены
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
ikw — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living Language Name : Ikwere … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
IKW — abbr. International Khepera Workshop … Dictionary of abbreviations
equal — /ˈikwəl / (say eekwuhl) adjective 1. (sometimes followed by to or with) as great as; matching: the velocity of sound is not equal to that of light. 2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc. 3.… …
equal opportunity — /ikwəl ɒpəˈtjunəti/ (say eekwuhl opuh tyoohnuhtee) noun 1. the situation or principle of providing the same opportunities, as in employment, education, etc., to everyone without regard to gender, ethnic background, age, physical disability, etc.… …
equal time — /ˈikwəl taɪm/ (say eekwuhl tuym) noun Politics (in Australia) the practice of evenly sharing time on ABC television and radio for election broadcasts or other political comment by government and opposition parties …
equal-area map — /ikwəl ˈɛəriə mæp/ (say eekwuhl airreeuh map) noun a flat map which represents areas in a size proportionate to their actual area on the globe, so that the relative size of the various areas being shown is accurately preserved; when representing… …
equalisation reserve — /ikwəlaɪˌzeɪʃən rəˈzɜv/ (say eekwuhluy.zayshuhn ruh zerv) noun a reserve held by an insurer to cover an underwriting loss in whole or in part. Also, equalization reserve …
equaliser — /ˈikwəlaɪzə/ (say eekwuhluyzuh) noun 1. someone or something that equalises. 2. Sport a goal, etc., that levels the score in a game. 3. any of various devices or appliances for equalising strains, pressures, etc. 4. an electrical connection… …
equalitarian — /ikwɒləˈtɛəriən/ (say eekwoluh tairreeuhn), /ə / (say uh ) adjective → egalitarian. –equalitarianism, noun …
equally — /ˈikwəli/ (say eekwuhlee) adverb in an equal manner or degree …
equals sign — /ˈikwəlz saɪn/ (say eekwuhlz suyn) noun the symbol =, used to show that two things are equal. Also, equal sign …